The blog (featuring some seriously actionable articles of exhaustive length) on everything from biohacking, smart drugs, and mind hardware to anti-aging, social dynamics, and philosophy.
By Jonathan Roseland |
My wife likes to peruse the various relationship Subreddits (which we've made some hilarious Q&A podcasts out of) and apparently, there are a ton of coupled guys (in relationships) out there complaining that their women don't like to give them blowjobs. They have to beg and cajole to get a blowjob (sometimes, even on their birthdays!) After we talked about this and shook our heads at the shoddy state of men and women in modernity, she expertly gave me an enthusiastic spine-tingling blowjob before bed.
So here I'm going to share how to inspire your lady to give you great blowjobs as often as you would like along with breaking down why she might be so shy in the BJ department. And finally, I'll hit you with much-needed tough love about what you might have screwed up resulting in your suffering from a dire blowjob deficiency.
By Jonathan Roseland |
Lately, I've been listening to a lot of masculinity podcasts. One of them that doesn't suck is ManTalks with Connor Beaton. So I dove into his personal growth book for men, which also doesn't suck! It really lives up to the second word of its subtitle, A Practical Guide to Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, and Find Freedom. The book is about a topic I've long shied away from (for some reason)...
By Jonathan Roseland |
A holiday that pre-dates Christianity celebrated in Europe for thousands of years to mark the halfway point of the winter season. In modernity, winter is merely an inconvenience, thanks to our well-insulated homes and central heating, but for thousands of years, winter was a different animal. A deadly animal. The cold was an ever-present existential threat. Food was scarce. A winter injury or illness could be a death sentence. And winter was boring, there wasn't much farming or labor that could be done. It was a lot of downtime isolated with one's thoughts, hopes, anxieties, and regrets. The winter solstice holiday was a much-needed, heartening, reminder that they were half-way through the cold, dark winter.
I cycled on Alpha GPC in mid-May and have been taking 300 milligrams daily since. I typically take it in the mid-morning sometime after I enjoy my mighty mug of Bulletproof-style coffee.
By Jonathan Roseland |
I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinking. You should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.
I'll be answering the December Biohacking and lifehacking questions in the Q&A podcasts below.
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